The weekend of Thanksgiving my sweet Tripp made plans for us to go deer hunting in Taylor County. I consider it a gift that Tripp not only asks me to go with him, but truly wants me to go with him. All last year I felt rather selfish when I used the excuse over and over again that it was way too cold and way too early to hunt! So he took care of that: prior to this weekend 's trip he took himself to Bass Pro and bought me my very own warm coveralls and camo. So, I really couldnt let him down and not go.
We packed up and headed to Taylor County...and had a blast! Friday night we jumped into a stand and waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing. Saturday morning we woke up realllllly early and headed to another stand on the property. And all of a sudden Tripp punched my arm and there he was (an 8-pointer about 175 yards away mind you) I grabbed the gun, aimed, closed my eyes and pulled that trigger. I just knew I had hit him but as I pulled the trigger he was heading for the woods and we didnt see him drop so we werent sure. After not seeing anything the rest of the morning we called the troops (Brian, Stuart, Bad Brad) and went tracking my deer. Sure enough there was blood and muscle. I did hit him!! But where was he!?! So we tracked blood (piles of it) for 3 hours and never found it. :( So I didnt get my picture with him and I didnt get to keep his antlers (that I was honestly looking forward to putting up somewhere in my house). haha. But the experience was what it was all about. And again I state that I am so thankful Tripp genuinely wants me to go hunting with him and I plan to go again-next time Im bringing home the antlers! Here are a couple of pictures of our weekend hunting adventure: